Kat Can't Dance



Dolls that were entered in pageants that are now over or currently active.

TSP 2011


Lisel Gatehouse for TSP, who's a badass who don't take no shiet from no one.

I like her overall design, and may or may not have been watching LOTR while dolling this.

Fullbody (DHF)/Portrait

Ladies of Pokemon 2011


Andi Pierce, my entry for Ladies of Pokemon, with her Haunter (aka Columbus). Haunters are my favourite Pokemon. Andi is a bit psycho. She likes world domination. I like her boots.


Andi, dressed up as a Team Magma grunt :D


For the third round we were to dress our lady in a gown based off a Pokemon. Her gown is based off a Charmander.


Miss Bloodthirsty 2011


Bree Dubose, my fancy-pantsy werewolf. I really enjoyed dolling her, and I'm a tad disappointed she didn't make it out of the auditions, but ah, such is life.


Apoc 2010

Round 1
Sheri Hatcher was possibly the happiest girl on earth. She had out bid everyone else on eBay for the tickets, and now she was going to the concert- with a backstage pass! On the night of the concert, she headed backstage with the rest of the babbling fangirls, and there he was; just as tall and gorgeous as he looked in the music videos on her tv and posters plastered on her walls. She knew exactly what she would say; "Oh my god, I'm your biggest fan! Can I have your autograph?" Sadly, things did not exactly go as planned, seeing as he vomited blood all over her favourtie t-shirt and promptly keeled over.
Fullbody/Portrait (Baseless)

Round 2

The Stories seemed to get longer every round, so I've posted them in the Misc. section of the site, under bits and bobs for your reading pleasure.


Round 3

I suppose this is my first piece with a background, but I don't really count it xD
I'm really suprised still that I passed to the final round in my very first pageant! Really awesome C:
